
Transpacific moves to online marketing

Transpacific Holidays is to cease producing individual destination brochures from next month and instead will be using its Website as its marketing platform. The decision has been made following increased use of the Web for holiday ideas and price comparisons. The company?s Website has been enhanced and will be continually upgraded to offer a greater visual experience, with destination information and offers uploaded daily. The operator is offering agents the opportunity to become one of its preferred agents, which offers access to a customised version of the site, housed by its server, to avoid clients contacting the company directly. The site?s home page and the header banners will display the agent?s company identity and contact details, with contact details of the operator removed. As an example of how the site works visit www.carolynlodgetravel-pacificholidays.co.uk For further information call 01342-840555.ranspacific Holidays is to cease producing individual destination brochures from next month and instead will be using its Website as its marketing platform. The decision has been made following increased use of the Web for holiday ideas and price comparisons. The company?s Website has been enhanced and will be continually upgraded to offer a greater visual experience, with destination information and offers uploaded daily. The operator is offering agents the opportunity to become one of its preferred agents, which offers access to a customised version of the site, housed by its server, to avoid clients contacting the company directly. The site?s home page and the header banners will display the agent?s company identity and contact details, with contact details of the operator removed. As an example of how the site works visit www.carolynlodgetravel-pacificholidays.co.uk For further information call 01342-840555.